20 ways to boost your intelligence and increase your IQ

boost your intelligence

Every person is born with natural abilities to learn new skills and become smarter. What you know today is a combination of natural intelligence and what you have learned throughout your life. The more you learn the more intelligent you become. It is possible that you can boost your intelligence, become smarter, and increase your IQ regardless of where you were born.

Some people learn faster and boost their intelligence and increase IQs quicker than others due to many factors. The truth is that no one is born with all the knowledge. All people start somewhere, increase their knowledge as they grow older, and become smarter as they age. If you happen to learn slower than your friends, family members, or people you know, don’t be discouraged. People become smarter every day, and so can you. Everything is learnable and it is never too late to learn new skills, attain personal growth and change your life for good. What you need is the willingness to learn new skills, the courage to work harder, and the discipline to stay motivated and persistent.

The speed at which you increase your intelligence will depend on many factors. Some of these factors will be under your control such as how bad you want it, your inner motivation, lifestyle, who you hang out with, books you read, time management, etc. Other factors, however, might be out of your control which might include financial means, access to resources, natural ability to learn, etc.

No matter where you are in the world, how old you are, or what resources you have, you can boost your intelligence, become smarter and increase your IQ.

This article will walk you through 20 ways to boost your intelligence and become smarter regardless of your field or background.

1. Take care of yourself

Although there are many techniques you can use to boost your intelligence, the most important step that many people miss is to take care of themselves. Your ability to learn new skills and apply them to solve daily problems will depend on the health of your body. You need to be healthy physically and mentally. Mental stability is the foundation of all learning capacities and abilities to retain and apply what you learn.

When your body is well-rested with less stress, you learn new things faster. In addition, your thinking abilities become optimal which helps you apply what you learn more efficiently. Hence, boosting your intelligence and increasing your IQ.

2. Be hungry for knowledge

One of the fastest ways to boost your intelligence is to be hungry for knowledge. The knowledge you acquire on a daily basis leads to bigger outcomes. Successful and highly intelligent people keep learning every day and find peace in solving complex problems the average person deems impossible.

Related: 9 easy tips to become successful in life

3. Hangout with intelligent people

There is a saying that you are the average of the people you hang out with. If you look around you right now, you will realize that you are not better than your buddies. You cannot boost your intelligence if the people you hang out with are on the same level of intelligence as you.

A common trait among humans is that we tend to fit in. If you hang out with 9 losers, you will become number 10. However, if you hang out with 9 successful and intelligent people, you will become the tenth successful person. That is how it works. We copy our surroundings in an effort to fit in.

People who are better than you will challenge you to succeed. As you spend time with intelligent people, you will start learning new things, developing new habits, and figuring out different ways to solve problems. That is the secret of success and increasing your IQ that most people don’t know about. Losers, on the other hand, pull you down and feed you with negativity, complaining, and losers’ mindsets. At the end of the day, you will become comfortable and make no progress in your life. So, stay away from losers.

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4. Start small and do not compare yourself with experts in the field

A lot of people struggle with increasing their Intelligence because they try to rush things. You cannot learn everything in a single day. It will take time to increase your IQ and become smarter. Your brain is like a sponge that absorbs what you put in. But, there is a limit to how much you can learn in a given time.

Forced knowledge leads to frustrations and doubts. Just like you cannot give birth to a baby and have the baby do chores the next day; your brain cannot learn everything in a single day.

The best way to boost your intelligence and become smarter is to start small. Baby steps work better when increasing your knowledge in any field. As you read books and practice what you have learned, your brain retains more of the materials you have learned. Eventually, you develop exceptional understanding in your field and become smarter at the same time. That is how it works, not the other way around.

Another big mistake people make when trying to increase their intelligence is to compare themselves with experts in the field. A person who is an expert now has spent at least the last 10+ years working hard for what they know today. Some people have been working in their fields for the last 40 years. Their success is not overnight. If you are getting started, you pretty much know nothing compared to them. You cannot compare your 6 months of work with someone’s 30 years of hard work.

People who compare themselves with experts without being at the same level end up with miserable feelings, doubts, frustration, and despair. To avoid these issues, focus on improving yourself and increasing your knowledge one step at a time. That is the best way to increase your IQ and become smarter in your field. Everything you learn on a daily basis takes you one step closer to your destination. Stay positive and patient as you go through your learning curve. Everything good comes at a cost. Taking it easy and waiting patiently could be the price you pay.

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5. Learn to play an instrument

Although some people might not like it, playing an instrument is one of the best ways to boost your intelligence and increase your IQ. People who are smarter were not born smart. Rather, they acquired knowledge over time and figured out ways to use that knowledge to benefit others.

A proven strategy that can help you increase your IQ and boost your knowledge is to learn an instrument. According to the Sloan School of MUSIC, learning to play an instrument can increase your intelligence by 10%. When you play music, your brain focuses on processing new information in fast sequences which are considered the same as a full body workout. The result is a more focused and strong memory which helps you learn faster and boost your intelligence.

6. Play mind training games and puzzles

When it comes to boosting your intelligence and becoming smarter, it is not a single thing you can do and become smarter all of the sudden. Instead, it is a combination and multiple things such as mental training, challenging games, and similar exercises.

One simple strategy you can use to increase your IQ and boost your intelligence is to play games and do challenging puzzles. These puzzles and games will sharpen your mind, improve your memory, and increase your IQ in the process.

According to a study conducted by the University of Glasgow reported by Healthygamer. gg, playing mind training games improves your communication skills, flexibility, and resourcefulness.

As you navigate through the complex challenges of games, your brain builds new abilities to deal with these challenges. Your memory increases, your critical thinking abilities improve, and your IQ increases as a result.

Doing puzzles also can help you boost your intelligence and increase your IQ. According to Southmountainmemorycare, doing puzzles reinforces connections between brain cells, boosts short-term memory, and improves mental speed. Jigsaw puzzles also help both sides of your brain to exercise at the same time which improves your memory and thinking capacity. The result is a fast-thinking brain, more focused, and potentially increase intelligence.

7. Stay active

Being active keeps you focused and motivates you to keep working on your dreams. What does being active mean when it comes to building intelligence? Staying active has a lot to do with your mental and physical habits. You can stay active by walking, working out, doing a hobby, etc.

Challenging activities keep your brain learning more instead of shutting down and forgetting what you know. You can also stay active by finding a hobby that keeps you busy. Many people start knitting or working on other forms of craft. The idea here is to avoid sitting down every day in front of a TV for many hours. Your brain learns better and faster when you are physically and mentally active. A strong body helps you increase your intelligence faster.

8. Learn a new language

One of the best and fastest ways to increase your intelligence and boost your memory is to learn a new language. When you learn a new language, your brain builds new abilities such as memorization, thinking, and communication.

According to Whitby School, a new language can help you increase your memory abilities and thinking skills. It was proven that bilingual students concentrate better and ignore distractions better than those who only speak one language.

A new language also helps you interact with people of different backgrounds, skill sets, and successes. This is very important as you get pushed outside of your comfort zone both physically and mentally. A wise man once said, “we only learn when we are outside of our comfort zone.” Nothing good comes your way when you are stuck in your comfort zones. So, get started with a new language if you are trying to boost your intelligence, become smarter and increase your IQ.

9. Adopt a growth mindset

Personal growth is one of the most important strategies you can use to increase your intelligence. A personal growth journey is made of actions you take in order to improve yourself as a person. These actions help you develop new abilities, enhance the quality of your life, increase your marketability, and happiness, and help you achieve your dreams.

As you go through these activities such as waking up early, respecting others, meditating, reading books, learning new skills, etc., you increase your brain power. Eventually, you become smarter, increase your IQ, and improve your intelligence.

10. Stay away from electronics and social media

We are in a digital era where old habits have been replaced by new ones. People spend a lot of time on electronics due to the accessibility of the internet and the rise of social media.

According to Smart Insights, 59% of the entire world population uses social media. In addition, each person spends 2h30min on social media every day. This translate to 912.5 hours every year that you spend on social media alone.

What do most people do on social media? Most people spend this time on social media watching funny videos without learning anything in the process. Social media can affect your level of thinking, increase your anxiety, and affect your ability to learn new things.

When it comes to increasing your intelligence and becoming smarter, you will need to use your time wisely. Instead of spending so much time on electronics, reduce that time and use it wisely. For example, you can learn a new skill or hobby. The truth is that if you spend those 912.5 hours learning something, you will become smarter than the average person in that field.

11. Reading books can boost your intelligence

Many people hate reading books but books are the true source of all knowledge and success. Everything you need to learn is written in books.

When you are reading books, you get to train your brain to remember some of the things you learned including new vocabulary. That is reading can help you improve your memory, reduce anxiety, and boost your intelligence at the same time.

If you don’t like reading books, a good starting point is to find something you are passionate about or curious about and read books in that sector. You will always learn something new no matter what you read. Focus on what you love and increase your reading span from there.

Other people find it easier to read books related to their careers. This strategy helps them boost their thinking abilities and makes them competitive and focused in their jobs. If this is what interests you, start from there. You will be amazed by how fast you will increase your IQ from reading books. You can also listen to audiobooks if you don’t have enough time to sit down and read. For example, if you are a truck driver, put an audiobook in the background instead of music.

12. Make a plan and track your progress

Trying to increase your knowledge without a plan is like walking on a cliff blindfolded hoping that you will not fall into the ravine. Every big achievement and goal requires a strategy and plan of action. You can’t just become smarter. You need a plan that will take you there. Every effort you use trying to increase your intelligence will go to waste without a plan.

Before you put a plan together, you need to know your main goal. The hard reality is that you will never know everything in the world. A smart person or intelligent person does not know everything in the world. Instead, they have accumulated enough knowledge in their area of focus that makes them experts. They are experts in their field but not in everything.

So, in order to increase your intelligence, you need to know your intended area of focus and learn as much as you can in that area. After knowing your area, you will then put a plan together. Maybe you want to read books in that area, take an online course, or go back to school. However you want to do it, you will need a plan on how to get there.

13. Focus on the progress you are making

Success is not a destination. Instead, it is a journey. One of the many reasons people give up on their dreams is that they ignore the progress they have made and only focus on the end result. Although it is important to never lose sight of your dreams, it is equally important to keep your mind on the progress you have made so far.

You need to start defining success differently. Evaluate the difference between where you started and where you are at any given time. If you are happy with the progress you have made, then you would have succeeded. You have not achieved your dreams but you have made fantastic progress.

Your journey to boosting your intelligence and becoming smarter will be gruesome. You will meet some challenges, have difficult times, and have moments of doubt. If you are not careful, you will give up just like everyone one else. In order to stay motivated, you need to celebrate and acknowledge the small wins you have made. Don’t throw away everything you have achieved because of slow progress. Sometimes, a slow pace is the fastest way to achieve your destination.

14. Stay optimistic

Optimism is a secret all intelligent and smart people rely on to stay ahead. Nothing happens over time and true success takes a lot of sacrifices and time. Positivity is everything in the face of challenges and difficult moments. Your journey to increase intelligence will not be that easy. There are times when you will want to quit just like everyone else. Some people around you will also encourage you to give up. You have got to stay optimistic and keep going.

An easy secret you can rely on during your downtime is to stay optimistic. You will have moments where optimism is the only thing standing between you and quitting. If you want to learn more about how to stay optimistic when facing challenges refer to the following guide.

Guide: 9 tips to be optimistic and achieve big goals

15. Let things happen naturally

Not everything can be rushed. You cannot rush your journey to increasing your intelligence. There is a time between learning something, applying it, and mastering it. Rushing this learning process will only lead to desperation and excessive stress levels.

Let things happen naturally and stay patient during the entire process. It is a marathon, not a sprint. The knowledge you acquire over time benefits you more than the things you rush. Long-term success should be your main goal.

16. Avoid stressful activities

Many people don’t learn well when they are stressed. Stressful activities reduce your attention span, decrease your ability to learn new skills, and lower your ability to remember. So, in order to increase your IQ, you need to avoid stressful activities. If something is not contributing to your learning journey, stay away from it.

17. Avoid procrastination

One day of procrastination can cost you an entire month of hard work. Procrastination is a common trait among people who never succeed. Instead of facing the challenges now, people push these tough decisions into the future. Eventually, they forget about it or find answers when they are no longer relevant.

In order to increase your intelligence and increase your IQ, you need to avoid procrastination. Now is the right time to start. More importantly, never stop until you have reached your learning goals.

18. Do not give in to losers and negative people

Not everyone will be happy when you start your personal growth journey. Your path to accumulating knowledge and becoming smarter will be met by a lot of challenges. Some of these challenges will come from negative people and losers.

One thing that many people forget is that nobody in the world can understand your dreams and see your visions the way you do. This means that no matter how much you try to explain to people what your dreams are and what you have to do to achieve them, most people will not get it.

Some people will think you are dreaming. Others will think you have lost your mind. You will also be denied support and lose friends in the process. Unless you avoid negativity from losers, thoughts of giving up will kick in especially during difficult times. At this level, you will find it difficult to move forward.

19. Stay consistent

The path to becoming smart, and boosting your knowledge and IQ is like raising a baby. You will be required to put every effort you got into raising your child from the first day until maturity. You cannot take time off from raising your child.

Learning new skills and becoming smarter follow the same patterns. Once you start learning, things will never be the same. You must continue without stopping no matter what comes your way. Everything you learn must be applied. In addition, you will need to keep learning new skills and build up the knowledge you have already. If you stop in the middle, you will easily forget what you have learned. That is why you must stay consistent and never stop learning.

20. Watch and listen to motivational content

If you find it difficult to keep going on your journey to becoming smarter and boosting your intelligence, get support from motivational content. There are a ton of videos and audio from influential speakers and successful people.

Everyone has his/her own story. So, by learning about these people, you get motivated further to do more and keep going.

You don’t have to purchase any of these motivational materials. Websites like Youtube have all the resources you need for free. Start with free resources and try to apply what you are learning.

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