How to be patient: 8 Steps to manage your emotions

How to be patient

How to be patient? Sounds like a good question you need answers for? Well, if you are not a patient person, I cannot blame you. The majority of people around the globe are not patient which attributes to their failures in life. Most people give up or lose their patients on projects right after starting.

They work on something, and then, start wondering why it is not being done faster. So, they start cutting corners, breaking rules, or much worse in an effort to get it done faster. What is wrong with this? The end result is mediocre performance, bad results, punishments, or death in some cases.

I hate to tell you this, but the truth is: EVERYTHING GOOD COMES AT A COST. Good results, great returns, endless happiness, success, wealth, and financial freedom, etc. all are reached through patience. As you go through your project, you will realize that you would not have achieved what you have without paying the price. The bigger the price, the higher the rewards. Before you lose your temper and halt the mission, just remember that what you seek requires you to wait. You must be patient in order to secure that big score.

The main question is: Why are you impatient? Is someone pressuring you? Are you pressuring yourself? Are you in rush to reach that financial independence? Why do you need to rush to the finishing line?

If you have been struggling with patience, this article was written specifically for you. No matter what you are dealing with, this article will help you. Just take a deep breath before you read any further. That is your first exercise.

The following are the top 8 tips you must use if you want to be patient.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

1. How to be patient: Be optimistic

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If you thought I was going to write some mathematical computations or complex equations that show you how to be patient, you are wrong. Your patience or impatience is a result of your mental programming. Your point of view of problems around you plays important role in your ability to be patient.

If you believe that something will work out well, your patient level will increase. If you are optimistic that something will work, you will always find a way to navigate the anxiety associated with waiting. So, be optimistic that things will work out and sit tight.

Tell yourself that things will be ok and wait. Understand that no matter how long it takes, you will be victorious. Then, relax your brain. Think of all the happiness you will achieve once your project is completed instead of focusing on how long the project is taking. Focus on who you will become once you are done. This will make you more patient. How long it takes will no longer be a huge problem.

2. How to be patient: Evaluate your methods

How to be patient
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In order to be patient, you must first believe that your methods are right. You must convince yourself that you have done your due diligence and the rest is no longer in your hands.

In order to be certain about the accuracy of the job you have done, go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate your methods and procedures. Is your project taking longer than it was supposed to take? If so, consider re-visiting the steps you have taken in executing your project. If there is a step that was overlooked, redo the step and wait.

This will increase your confidence in the job you have done, boosts your confidence, and increase your confidence as a result.

3. Have enough sleep and stay hydrated

Image by super-mapio from Pixabay

Our patience levels are not only affected by the complexity of problems we solve. Other factors come into play. One of the most common problems is how rested and stable our bodies are. People who are always tired, dehydrated, and sleepy tend to lose patience much faster than others. This is because their bodies are already tired, and therefore, it becomes difficult for them to handle the pressure of problems they are solving. You can’t be patient if your body needs some sleep.

By default, people shoot for the easiest answers. People are always looking for the easy way out. They (people) want rewards without paying the price. So, when you add physical and mental fatigue to the equation, the majority of people give up. They would rather live under a tunnel and survive on soup and bread instead of facing the challenge.

If you really want to be patient, start working on your body. Have enough sleep and stay healthy. These factors will give your body the energy needed to achieve the best. A well-rested body can overcome any challenge. Being patient is the greatest challenge millions of people face. So, build your body and let it take care of the rest.

4. How to be patient: Take a break

One of the best ways to increase your patience is to take a break. If you are facing a problem that will take a while to solve, you will need a break in between. Most people think that the longer you work on the problem, the easier it will become. This is like holding your breath from start to finish until you pass out. There is a limit to how far you can push your body.

ADVICE: It is not about how fast you finish something. Instead, it is about how well you finish it fast. Do not increase your speed by compromising the quality. Instead of overlooking something or skipping a step that is not optional, take a break. A break will give you a chance to re-evaluate your ideas and strategies. Take a break and recharge. Once your body is well-rested, your patience will increase dramatically.

5. How to be patient: Meditate

Image by Silentpilot from Pixabay

Meditation is a great way to bring your emotions in check. When meditating, your body comes to a complete rest, your blood pressure becomes stable, and your brain becomes more powerful. Yes, you become a new self through medication.

If your impatience urge is trying to take over, take a step back and start meditating. Are you losing your temper because something is not going as fast or as well as you anticipated? No problem. Walk away from the problem and meditate for a while.

This will give you a chance to relax and focus your mind on the real problem: Manang your emotions.

If you feel like a zombie after spending so many hours on the project, walk away and meditate. You will be amazed by how much you will accomplish afterward. Your patience also will have a boost from a stable mind.

6. Take a deep breath

Before you push that sell or buy button, take a deep breath. Are you having anxiety about something you have been patiently waiting for? Actually, if you are having anxiety, it means you were not patiently waiting. Instead, your brain has been boiling up every second you waited. It is like you have been holding your breath the entire time and now you are about to pass out.

For example, if you are trading and things are not going well, do not just push the sell button. Instead, take a deep breath and think. Do some thinking else instead.

Why a deep breath?

Taking a deep breath increases the blood flow in your brain and entire body. You also increase the oxygen in taking in your body which helps you calm down and relaxes you. Having a great blood floor in your body reduces your stress and anxiety. Now you ask: How to be patient? My answer: Take a deep breath. Then, start thinking using your brain and do not respond to what your emotions are telling you.

7. Find something else to do instead of waiting patiently

If you keep waiting and focusing your entire brain on the problem, you will lose it. You will become like a zombie that is wondering why it is not finding food. I actually don’t know how a hungry zombie feels like!

The truth of the matter is that the more you think about a problem, the more complicated it becomes. Once you have done your job, you should have peace of mind. This is difficult for most people. The moment they submit their answers or finish their jobs, they move on to waiting for the final result with excessive emotions. Even if they know answers will not come out until some time, they still think about it. They ask too many questions they have no answers for. More importantly, none can answer those questions except waiting patiently.

The following are some of the sentences impatient people say.

  • Did I pass?
  • Will I pass
  • How did I do?
  • Why is it not going up
  • I think I lost
  • I probably lost
  • What if I lost?
  • What will I do If I lose?
  • I knew I might not pass
  • I will be embarassed if I don’t pass
  • My spouse will kill me
  • I wish I could know the answers right now
  • Why is it taking longer
  • I am going to call them
  • Can’t handle this anymore
  • Why is the world so complicated?
  • I probably failed
  • Etc.

All these questions will not do you any good. The only thing you gain from these questions is an explosion of anxiety in your brain. You may feel like exploding. Overthinking about something is usually the cause of anxiety. The moment you start thinking about why something is bad or can’t work, it will get worse.

Always focus all your attention on positivity.

Instead of thinking about the issue, find something else you can do. For example, you can focus on another project. Work on a project that is different from the one you worked on. This way, you will be solving another problem without worrying about the results you have been waiting for. After all, you will accomplish two different tasks/projects with ease.

8. How to be patient: Get a second opinion

Instead of burying yourself in your own thoughts, get a second opinion. If you have an advisor or a worth trusted friend, ask them to help you navigate your emotional problems. If you are holding your breath, you need someone to help you let it out before you pass out.

A second opinion will help you relax and increase your patience. Sometimes what we need is someone to tell us that things will be OK. You need someone to confirm the doubts you had or erase them completely.

More learning resources

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