5 things to avoid before bed: If you want to be successful

Things To Avoid Before Bed

Have you been having trouble sleeping or wondered why you wake up very tired? Having success with sleep takes more than getting into your bed and closing your eyes. How you sleep will depend on what you did before bedtime. If your sleep has been wild for a while there are things you should avoid before bed.

In this article, you are going learn about top 5 things to avoid before bed.

1. Things to avoid before bed: Avoid drinking alcohol

Consuming alcohol is never a good idea. Alcohol will affect your sleep pattern and the time it takes you to fall asleep. As noted by the Sleep Foundation, people who consume a lot of alcohol before going to bed do not fall asleep right away. In addition, as the alcohol is being metabolized, they may experience low quality of sleep and sleeping disruptions.

So, if you want to have a very good sleep and get ready for the next day, avoid consuming alcohol before bed time.

2. Consuming caffeine-infused products

This one sounds obvious but many people forget about it. Beverages such as energy drinks, coffees, and other products that have caffeine in them keep you active and prevent you from sleeping.

If you want to sleep, do not consume these products. According to Healthline, the half-life of caffeine lasts up to 5 hours. That is your body will lose up to 50% of the amount of caffeine you consumed in 5 hours. The remaining amount could take almost the same length to get out of your system.

You can see that consuming caffeine-infused products is not a good idea before you go to bed. Instead of sleeping, your body will be craving something to do. If you really want to drink, drink water instead.

3. Things to avoid before bed: Avoid taking sleeping pills

Sleeping pills can help you sleep especially when they are prescribed by your doctors. If you continue to take them, however, your body will get used to them and relies on them to sleep. It will get to a point where you can no longer sleep without them. In addition, sleeping pills will eventually affect your sleeping patterns. With irregularity in your sleeping patterns, your performance will be affected.

If you are stressed and cannot sleep, consider using other methods. Methods that can help you include but not limited to therapy, relaxing before you sleep, meditation, etc.

3. Spending too much time on electronics

Always avoid electronics before you go to bed. Some of us try to keep up with social media, checking our emails, doing conference calls, etc. These activities glue us on screens and affect us mentally. According to Schlhealth, the blue lights emitted from your electronics such as cellphones are harmful. These lights restrain the production of melatonin which is a hormone that regulates your sleep. Without enough of these hormones, you will find it difficult to sleep when you go to bed or getting up in the morning.

To make sure that you follow your sleeping patterns, always avoid using your cellphones and other electronics before you go to bed. With enough sleep, you will be able to achieve the most the next day.

5. Things to avoid before bed: Avoid conflicts

Conflicts should be avoided all the time whether you are about to sleep or not. When you have conflicts before you go to bed, it will be very difficult for you to sleep. Instead of sleeping, you will spend your night thinking about why you were right, why the other person is wrong, what you could have done differently, etc. This in the end will affect your performance the next day.

To avoid all these issues and ensure a successful 8 hours sleep, make sure that you avoid conflicts before you go to bed. If for some reason you ended up in conflicts, try to resolve them before you go to bed.

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