22 clever ways to live cheaply without feeling poor

22 tips to live cheaply without feeling poor

When I started living frugally, I always struggled with the feeling of poverty and worried about how others viewed my newfound habits. Eventually, I learned to live cheaply without feeling poor by taking advantage of the free resources around me and developing smart strategies to save money while getting what I wanted.

For example, I used public transportation, consolidated my debts, prepped my meals, and used free library resources for all my books. These saving tips allowed me to get what I wanted for free or at a lower cost without feeling poor around my friends. While these frugal living hacks helped me save money, they are not the only ways to live cheaply without the shame of poverty.

If you are looking for fun ways to live frugally without feeling poor, check out this list of the 22 best life hacks for having a cheap and decent living standard without cutting back on your lifestyle or feeling poor about your choice.

1. Use public transportation

Public transportation can significantly reduce your living costs and enhance your lifestyle without making you feel poor. Here are some ways public transportation can help you reach your financial goals and save money simultaneously.

  • You don’t pay car-related expenses. Public transportation eliminates the need for car ownership, which comes with considerable expenses such as insurance, fuel, maintenance, registration, and depreciation. This means more money in your wallet to allocate to other financial goals.
  • You might get discounts. Public transportation often includes discounted fairs, especially for regular commuters. For example, some cities offer monthly or yearly passes that are fractions of the cost of car ownership.
  • It is cheaper. Public transportation is more affordable than taxis, rideshares, or owning a vehicle.
  • Opportunities for personal development. Rather than focusing on driving, you can commute to read, listen to audiobooks, learn new languages, or finish work tasks.

If you cannot use public transportation, lower your car expenses using the following tips.

2. Potluck dinner instead of going out with friends

One of the best ways to hang out with friends and family is to go about and have fun. If done regularly, however, eating out can be very expensive, especially in this economy where the cost of living has skyrocketed, and food and beverages cost double or three times in some markets. An effective way to enjoy life, have fun with your friends, and live cheap without feeling poor is to do potlucks.

Invite friends for a potluck dinner instead of dining out or ordering takeout. Everyone brings a dish, saving you money and allowing you to live cheaply without feeling powerless. This strategy is effective because you get everything you want at a fraction of the cost.

3. Consolidate your debts

Debt consolidation is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor because it usually lowers loan interest, monthly payments, and mental stress.

Debt consolidation primarily works by pooling all your debts from various creditors into one easier-to-manage loan. You can often secure a lower overall interest rate by consolidating your debt. This will reduce your monthly loan payment and the total amount you pay back over the loan’s lifetime. Instead of juggling many different payments and deadlines, you only have one monthly payment to consider. This frees up mental space for other important financial decisions, meaning you can focus more on saving and investing wisely.

Another term associated with debtor consolidation is refinancing. Refinancing works by replacing your existing loan with another loan with a lower rate and favorable terms. Lowering interest on your loan costs you less money, which in turn helps you live frugally without feeling poor.

Check out the following guides to consolidate your loans.

4. Pay extra towards your debt.

If you are looking for ways to live cheaply without feeling poor, consider contributing extra cash to your debt instead of using the money to buy expensive stuff you don’t need. By paying more than the minimum amount towards your debts, you decrease the interest you pay over time. This effectively reduces the total cost of your debt, saving you money in the long run.

Furthermore, aggressively paying down your debt reduces your financial obligations, freeing up more of your income in the future. This income can then be used to live comfortably, save, invest, or even spend on things you enjoy, giving you financial freedom rather than poverty.

Here are tips to help you pay down your debts faster and live cheaply without being ashamed of poverty.

5. Elect carpooling instead of driving.

Are you tired of paying hundreds of dollars for car insurance, gas, and regular maintenance? If you do, Carpooling is a better way to live cheaply without feeling poor. While using public transportation, buying a bike, or using a cheap car is an effective way to save money on your commute, carpooling works better than most of these saving tips.

Carpooling is when you share rides with friends or coworkers to save money on fuel. Using this strategy, you will not have to worry about your car insurance, buying gas, or doing regular repairs such as oil changes and fluids. You can imagine how much money carpooling can save you.

Carpooling is also an effective way to reinforce your friendships and spend quality time with your friends, as riding together increases the time you spend together. Since the benefits far exceed the downside, you will never have negative feelings about a cheap lifestyle or feel poor about this money-saving strategy.

6. Cook at home instead of eating out daily.

Cooking at home rather than eating out daily is a clever way to live frugally without feeling deprived. When you make the food at home, you are not paying for service, restaurant overheads, and hefty tips imposed on customers. Making food allows you to control your grocery bills and make choices based on your budget without compromising quality or taste.

Moreover, making food at home can help you learn new skills, experiment with recipes, and indulge in the joy of creating a meal from scratch. This simple mental shift enhances mental stability, saves money, and allows you to live cheaply without feeling power.

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7. Share subscriptions instead of paying for every streaming service

Sharing subscriptions can help you live cheaply without feeling poor by enabling you to access various products and services at a fraction of their original cost. For example, sharing subscriptions like Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Spotify with family or friends can save a substantial amount. This simple saving strategy can help you live frugally without feeling poor, as you can access everything you need without breaking the bank.

If you want extra saving tips, check out these ten easy steps to save $10k in a year and actionable tips to achieve each step.

8. Try seasonal shopping

Seasonal shopping is a strategy that can significantly help you live economically without feeling deprived. This is because seasonal shopping can save money as you buy items at their lowest price. For example, holiday decorations are usually cheaper after the holiday season, while winter clothes are less expensive during spring and summer. Targeting off-season months will enable you to buy products at more affordable prices than regular seasons.

Seasonal shopping also allows you to take advantage of retailers’ sales and discounts at specific times of the year. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and end-of-season sales offer huge discounts, often on quality items. By planning your purchases around these sales, you can acquire high-quality products at a fraction of the regular price. This enables you to plan and shop for the future, thus saving money in the long run and living frugally.

You might also like these 12 tips to save money on Halloween this year.

9. Buy bulk items you use regularly.

Bulk purchasing often results in significant savings, as items are typically priced lower per unit than when bought individually. This allows you to stretch your dollar and leaves more money in your pocket for other necessities or luxuries, making you feel financially comfortable rather than poor.

Bulk items usually require less packaging per unit of product. Reducing waste not only saves money but also contributes to a healthier environment.

Additionally, buying in bulk can help you avoid high prices due to inflation, as you have already purchased a large quantity at a lower cost. This can significantly affect your budget, helping you feel more economically stable.

10. DIY projects to save extra cash instead of hiring contractors

Living cheap often requires taking on extra responsibilities and figuring things out to save money. One of the best ways to reduce living expenses is to fix things yourself. Here is how DYI can help you live cheaply without feeling poorer.

  • DYIing projects can empower you. For instance, you could learn to upcycle or tailor your clothes instead of skipping out on fashionable clothes because you’re on a budget. This would save you money and allow you to have unique pieces that suit your style.
  • DIY promotes self-sufficiency, which can help you save money in the long run. Learning to fix broken appliances, straightforward remodel projects, or grow your own food can dramatically reduce expenses. As you become more skilled in tackling basic home maintenance tasks, the need to hire professionals decreases, and so does the drain on your pocket.
  • You develop new skills. DIY projects often require innovative thinking, leading to crafting unique and inexpensive solutions to expensive problems. This approach can also extend to gift-giving. A handmade gift is cheaper and can feel more meaningful due to the effort put into making it.

11. Visit free events

Attending free events can significantly enhance your lifestyle without putting a dent in your wallet, making you live cheaply without feeling poor. These events serve as unique platforms for entertainment, socialization, and learning, all at zero cost.

Free events provide plenty of entertainment opportunities. From concerts, art exhibits, theater performances, and film screenings, these events offer numerous ways to enjoy your time. They are often just as good, if not better, than paid events, as they attract a diverse crowd of passionate individuals.

Moreover, free events can serve as alternatives to expensive nights out. Instead of buying movie tickets and restaurant meals, pack a picnic and head to a free outdoor concert or movie screening.

12. Get a discounted gym membership.

While you don’t need a gym membership to have a great workout, consider getting a discounted membership if you need it. Some gyms give you 50% or more when you sign up with your spouse. You can also get discounts by signing up for a small group rate that is significantly less expensive. This strategy can help you live cheaply without feeling poor, as you will get all your regular workouts at a discounted rate.

If a gym is not needed, consider getting your workouts elsewhere. For example, you can run outside or walk in the park, which is free and enjoyable.

13. Use energy-efficient appliances

Lowering your electricity bill is one of the best ways to live cheaply and avoid feeling poor. Electric bills can be expensive, especially during the summer and cold months. So, to save money, you must use different saving tips, such as buying energy-saving appliances, unplugging unused appliances, and buying a smart thermostat.

14. Buy second-hand instead of buying new products.

I used to think that people who buy second-hand clothes are poor. But then I learned that some people buy second-hand simply because they want to save money and achieve their financial goals. So, I started doing it myself to help save money and invest in myself.

I also discovered that shopping second-hand is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor. You can buy beautiful and high-quality items such as clothes, silverware, furniture, etc., at a fraction of the cost to save money. Some of the best things you can buy used to live cheap without having negative thoughts of being poor include furniture, clothing, or kitchenware.

The best places to find cheap second-hand products include Thrift Stores, the Salvation Army, GoodWill, PAWN shops, and online marketplaces such as Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. You can also try Swappa, Poshmark, Threadup, and eBay.

15. Establish a home garden to grow greens and vegetables.

Food has become very expensive, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Growing some food is the only way to lower your monthly grocery bill. This is where gardening comes into play. Gardening is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor, as it allows you to save money on produce while providing a fun and relaxing hobby.

Besides saving money and bringing fun into your life, gardening also allows you to grow healthy food, which is essential to improving your life.

16. Carry a water bottle instead of buying bottled water daily.

Did you know that when you buy bottled water, you also buy the bottle in which the water comes in and pay the employees who bottled it and all employees in that company?? It is true. That is why bottled water is one of the worst things millions of people spend money on. Additionally, bottled water is unsuitable for the environment. What if there is a better way to drink as much water as you want and live cheaply without feeling poor about your choices?

You can achieve this saving goal by carrying a reusable water bottle. Not only does a reusable water bottle help you save money and reach your money-saving goals, but it is also environmentally friendly. There is no better way to live cheaply without feeling guilty than this one.

17. Use the library instead of buying books.

If you purchase every book you need, you will spend thousands of dollars. There is a better way to access any book without spending money. This is possible by using free public library services. Public libraries carry thousands of books, novels, movies, newsletters, etc., which you can read for free. You can even get access to free online courses.

If the library does not have your favorite books, movies, or TV shows, you can request them. After submitting a request, the library will order the book/movie/TV and notify you when it is ready to be picked up. With this strategy, you will save money and live cheaply without feeling poor. This is how you get what you want without spending a penny.

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18. Try homemade gifts instead of buying them

One of the most creative ways to live cheaply without feeling poor is to make gifts at home. We live in a society where giving gifts regularly has become part of our culture. However, buying gifts all the time can cost thousands of dollars every year and leave you broke. What if you could make those gifts at home?

For example, if you do knitting as a hobby, you can craft gifts instead of buying them. This will allow you to save money and give something that has meaning to your loved ones. The fact that you took the time and effort to make the gifts will be memorable compared to the impact you would have if you bought them. Since the people you give homemade gifts to will be happier, it will also make you feel important and loved, which is essential when living cheaply, but you don’t want to feel the guilt of poverty and financial stress.

19. Rent instead of buying

There is a huge debate between owning a home and renting. Many people think that you throw away the money you spend on rent. But buying does not necessarily mean you will save money. Owning a home comes with overhead expenses, leading to financial hardships when you don’t plan properly. For example, the house comes with monthly interest payments, homeowner’s insurance, property tax, and routine maintenance. Additionally, you might pay closing fees ranging between 2% -5% of the home’s total cost on top of your down payment, which will deplete your savings.

Buying a house might not be a great idea unless you carefully plan these expenses, especially when trying to save money. Buying a home is a good idea only when you will save money in the process, either for the short term or the long term. This is possible only if your monthly expenses for the home are less than your rent. Otherwise, owning a home will cost you more money. In this case, you might rent instead of buying to help you live cheaply without feeling poor.

While I used a house as an example, there are other areas in your life you might need to rent rather than buy to help you live cheaply without feeling poor. For example, if you need tools for a one-time project, renting could be an effective way to get the project done without spending thousands of dollars on tools you will never use again.

You might also like to know how much of a home you can afford.

20. Plan your meals

Due to increased living conditions caused by inflation, food costs have become one of the most significant monthly expenses many consumers are experiencing nationwide. Food that used to cost $100 now costs over $300. Unless you live cheap to cut back on your grocery bills, you might find it difficult to afford other necessities.

So, how do you save money on groceries and live cheap without feeling poor? One saving tip that works best to lower your grocery bill is to start prepping your meals. Prepping meals allows you to reduce waste and save money by planning meals and using shopping lists. In other words, prepping your meals does not mean eating less food or poor-quality food. Instead, it allows you to optimize the food you buy by buying only what you need and using it without wasting it.

Since eating out is one of the most expensive ways to eat, meal prep also prevents you from eating out regularly. Because meal prep helps you organize your finances, lower food waste, and organize your life, it is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor because you positively transform your life.

21. Learn the basics of home repairs.

Owning a home involves regular maintenance activities, some of which are usually repeated. Learning to do these essential home repairs is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor. I used to think that repairing my sink, painting my house, or doing cosmetic maintenance showed that I was broke and didn’t have the means to afford a certified contractor.

Then, I realized that the reverse is true. Not only does basic home repair help you live cheaply without the guilt of poverty, but it also helps you build good skills, spend quality time with loved ones, and develop a positive mindset around life challenges. Additionally, there is free information online, such as watching YouTube videos, to help you do any repair in your home.

22. Volunteer as a way to get free access to paid events

Many events offer free admission to volunteers so you can have fun and give back at the same time. Taking advantage of these events is a great way to live cheaply without feeling poor, as contributions to the event through volunteer work make you feel like you are making a difference. For example, if there is a concert you want to attend in your area and they are looking for volunteers, you can offer to volunteer instead of paying hundreds of dollars to attend. By volunteering, you will have a chance to be part of the event for free.

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