16 clever ways to save money on utility bills

Ways to save money on utility bills.

With prices of goods and services skyrocketing in every sector, saving money has become more than necessary, especially for those living paycheck to paycheck. One of the best and most effective ways to improve your finances and boost your savings is to save money on utility bills. While you can not bring your utility expenses to $0, you can cut down your utility spending without lowering your lifestyle or living standards. If you are ready to save money on utility bills and boost your savings, keep reading.

Without further ado, here are 16 tips I used to cut down my utility bills which I think can help you too if you apply them in your daily life.

1. Use smart appliances

The first step to save money on utility bills is to use smart appliances. Smart appliances not only keep you safe but they also reduce your utility bills. You can program your appliances to shut off whenever they are not being used or set them into an energy-saving mode. This trick can help you save money on your utility bills without giving up your lifestyle.

2. Unplug all electronics when they are fully charged

Always disconnect all electronics that are not being used or when they are fully charged. You do not have to be a frugal person to practice this technique. Your coffee maker, blender, toaster, cellphone, computer, etc. must be disconnected when they are fully charged or when they are no longer being used.

This strategy will help you save money faster and achieve your financial goals in no time.

3. To save money on utility bills use a smart thermostat

One of the simplest ways to save money on utility bills is to use a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat optimizes your home’s temperature for efficiency and comfort, allows you to monitor your settings from anywhere, improves air quality, and adjusts your home based on your daily routines. In other words, the thermostat allows you to save money on your energy bills with little to no work. The smart thermostat also takes it a step further by turning off equipment and lights that are not being used to help you save even more money on utility bills.

4. Use energy-saving light bulbs

Light bulbs do not consume or dissipate the same amount of energy. Some light bulbs use more energy while others save energy. To save money on electric bills especially when living paycheck-to-paycheck, upgrade light bulbs in your house or apartment to energy-saving light bulbs. This simple tip can save you hundreds of dollars a year in electric bills. LEDs are usually the best light bulbs when it comes to energy consumption as they produce 40-80 lumens per watt. Additionally, LEDs offer extra benefits such as longevity and brightness.

To save even more money on utility bills, upgrade lights outside your home to motion-detection light bulbs.

These lights will be activated after detecting a movement outside and shut off automatically when there is no activity. In other words, they will be on only when there is movement outside of your house which in the end will help reduce the cost of your electric bill.

5. Stop using your dishwasher to save money

Your dishwasher runs for a very long time and uses a lot of water and heat compared to the job they complete. According to YALE Appliances, on average, dishwater runs for 2 hours. This is a very long time which consumes too much water and electricity. To reduce the amount of water and electricity you spend while washing your dishes, stop using your dishwasher. Wash your utensils and silverware by hand. This strategy will save you money on utility bills and help you finish the job fast.

6. Wash your clothes by hand and air dry them to save money on water bills

Washing your clothes by hand is another unconventional way to save money on utility bills. This strategy works best during the summer as you can easily wash your clothes and air dry them fast by hanging them outside. I know you might not like this process, but if you are serious about cutting your utility bill in half, then you must be willing to do what is necessary.

If you have a lot of laundry load, plan a special laundry cleaning day where everyone in the family jumps in. For example, you can reserve Saturday to be your laundry day and plan nothing else. This way everyone will be able to help which could also serve as a family quality time aside from saving you money on utilities.

7. Instead of airconditioning, use your ceiling fan

Your ceiling fan can help cool down the room without having to run the AC especially when it is not too hot outside. Compared to the energy an AC consumes, a fan uses a fraction of that energy.

If your building does not have a ceiling fan, have it installed or buy a standalone fan. The cost of installing the fan will be much smaller than what you will spend if you run the AC continuously.

8. Optimize your cooking patterns based on seasons

Do you want to save money and eat tasty meals at the same time? Try to cook outdoors in the summer or when the weather is good to reduce the accumulation of heat inside the house. You can also use wood to save more money on electricity and cooking gas.

When the winter kicks in, switch to cooking inside the house. This money-saving tip will help you increase the temperature inside the house during the winter and lower the cost of heating your house.

9. Prepping meals can help you save money on utility bills

Prepping your meals will reduce the number of times you cook and save you thousands of dollars every year. How does prepping meals save money? Instead of cooking two times a day 7 times a week, you prep meals many days in advance which helps you reduce the number of times you cook. Hence, saving you money on electric bills. Prepping your meals also helps you save money from eating out especially when you have busy schedules. To prevent yourself from eating the same thing every day, make different recipes including salad, meats, baking, and sweats, and save them in different containers. Then, pick a different food every day or alternate them to your desires.

10. Use cold water when washing your clothes

Washing your clothes with hot water costs you extra money with no added value. To reduce this expense, set your washing machine to cold settings or wash your clothes with your hands as we have seen in tip number 6.

11. Use your appliances when energy cost is low

One of the less convenient ways to save money on utility bills is to get paid to not use electricity. You heard me right. You can get paid for not using electricity. Utility companies offer incentives to people who use less energy at peak hours. Peak hours are around midday and evening when everyone is cooking, charging electronics, washing clothes, etc.

High electricity demand can damage power grid electronics such as transformers. This is why utility companies give incentives to people who shut down their appliances during peak hours.

You can take advantage of these discounts by not using less urgent appliances during electricity consumption peak hours.

For example, you can use your washing machine and dryer during the night when few people are using electricity. At this time, you will pay less money for electricity. To get started, call your utility company to see if they have these deals and how you can apply.

12. Get discounts from your utility company

Your utility company may have discounts related to new products they are promoting. For example, the company might be introducing new electric meters and making upgrades to some of its equipment. What some companies do, in this case, is start with a few customers and give them a discount for their participation. If you are interested in such programs and want to learn more, contact your company and ask to participate.

13. Use laundry dry balls when drying your clothes

While most people don’t know about laundry dry balls, these are effective products to save you money on utility bills. What makes laundry dry balls special is that they reduce the time your drying machine uses to dry your clothes which in turn saves you time and money on your utility bills.

14. Replace your HVAC filters when necessary to save money on utility bills

HVAC systems need to be properly maintained to work efficiently and eventually save you money on utility bills. One way to ensure the optimum performance of your HVAC systems is to have good filters. Replacing your filters every once in a while will lower the cost of your utilities.

15. Do not leave your door open when it is too hot or too cold outside

When it is too hot outside, your AC will work harder to get hot hair from the building. Hot air will keep coming inside if your building is not completely sealed. As a result, the AC will continue to work harder without cooling the building.

On the other hand, if it is too cold outside, you will spend more money to heat the building. If your building is not sealed, your heater will continue running without heating the building. To mitigate these heating and cooling issues and save money on utility bills, make sure that your building is properly sealed.

16. Open your window when necessary instead of using AC or a heater

The inside temperature of your building may be higher or lower than the outside temperature. You can capitalize on these climatic conditions to save money on utility bills. Instead of running your AC or turning on the heat, try to balance the temperature by opening your windows.

What runs your electric bill up the most?

While there are many appliances in your house that consume electricity, not every appliance uses the same energy. The use of high-energy consuming appliances such as heating and cooling systems, water heaters, refrigerators, and devices left on standby mode often run your electric bill up the most. Other factors such as the size of your home, the number of occupants, and your lifestyle habits also contribute the the energy consumption. For example, if you have a large home, it will take a lot of energy to heat the home during the winter or cool it down during the summer.

How can I spend less on electricity?

If you have been spending too much money on electricity, here is a guide to cut back and lower your electric bill.

  • Identify your electricity consumption pattern. Check your electricity bills to understand when and where you’re using the most electricity. This could be due to specific appliances or activities that consume more energy than others.
  • Reduce Waste. Unplug devices when they’re not in use. Even when turned off, many devices still consume energy. Also, turn off lights when not required, and don’t leave appliances like televisions or computers on standby.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances. Although this may require an initial investment, updating your appliances can save a significant amount on your electric bills.
  • Optimize your usage. Try to use appliances during off-peak hours where possible. This is when electricity is often cheaper.
  • Install a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can adapt to your patterns and adjust heating and cooling when you’re not there, which in turn saves money on electricity.
  • Use natural light. Whenever possible, use natural light instead of turning on lights during the daytime.
  • Install Efficient Lighting. LED light bulbs are much more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and last a lot longer.
  • Improve insulation in your house. By improving your home’s insulation, you can significantly reduce the amount of energy used by your heating and cooling systems.
  • Use energy-efficient windows. Like insulation, energy-efficient windows can keep your home at a more consistent temperature and reduce the need for heating or cooling.
  • Consider renewable energy options. If possible, consider investing in renewable energy options like solar panels to reduce your dependence on grid electricity.

The bottom line

Saving money on utility bills doesn’t have to be a complicated process, although it does take effort and diligence. From using LED light bulbs to unplugging electronic devices to understanding seasonal changes in electricity usage, there are many simple steps that can help you save money on your monthly utility bills. Besides electricity consumption, it is also best to pay attention to your water bill as it can have a profound effect on your overall costs. Tips like not running water while brushing your teeth, avoiding daily salt baths, changing your water faucet, etc, can all help reduce our water consumption, saving you money on utility bills.

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