Staying positive is the greatest weapon against any problems you will face in your entire life. Positivity increases confidence and creativity which leads to unbeatable performance. Millions of people struggle with problems not because they are difficult, but because of their negativities. The good news is that you don’t have to be like anybody else. I am here to help you stay positive.
In this article, you are going to learn the top 6 ways to stay positive. Some of these tips will prove difficult depending on where you are in your life. For example, a person who recently had a major emotional problem will find it hard to not listen to emotional and sad songs.
The truth is that you are stronger than you think and everything is learnable and achievable. You can do it. You just need to get started and take those baby steps.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Avoid negative people
If you want to stay positive, you must pass the first important step: Avoiding negative people. If you are not a positive person, it is most likely that people around you are negative.
By default, you are the average of people you hang out with. If people around you are negative and complain about everything, you will most likely copy the same behavior. How do you know if you are surrounded by the wrong people? You will know that you are surrounded by losers if you look around you and do not get inspired.
In order to start your positivity journey, you must get rid of all negative people in your life. Negative people will tell you that you cannot do it. They will oppose every idea you have and will never challenge you to grow. In the end, you will end up like them. If you want to stay positive, avoid negative people.
Learn More: 8 ways to avoid negative people and focus on your goals
2. How to stay positive: Believe in yourself
Believing in yourself is the key to staying positive. Negative people are usually the ones who do not believe in themselves. They don’t think they can achieve anything. They are always complaining and never get their crap together.
How can you move on and make an exceptional step forward as opposed to the people around you? By believing in yourself. You are the only one who understands your dreams and what it will take to achieve them. Once everyone is telling you that it is impossible, you are the only one who will have the courage to push further. When things are not looking good, nobody will lift you other than yourself. Believing is achieving and this is the best way to stay positive.
3. Focus on how you can make it work
If you want to stay positive when facing problems, you have got to make one important decision. You need to start focusing on finding answers rather than how hard your problems are. Negative people dwell on problems. They(negative people) drive themselves insane by overthinking about problems.
The truth is that no matter how many times you think about the problem, it will not take it away or make it easy. So, move on to the next step and start looking for solutions. By default, our happiness increases when we focus our attention on figuring out answers. If you want to stay positive, ask yourself how you can make it work instead of why it cannot be done.
Related: 13 Sentences losers say: Learn How to think positively
4. Train your brain to stay positive

If you want to stay positive, you need to start training your brain to think like a positive person. That is you need to become the master of your emotions. This is a very difficult challenge for millions of people. However, it can be achieved through baby steps, hard work, and determination.
To get where you want to be, you must take small steps and never stop until you have achieved what you seek. Some of the things you can do to help you stay positive include but not limited to the following:
- Tell yourself that you can do it
- Look yourself in the mirrow and say you are going to be positive no matter what
- Hangout with positive people
- Meditate
- Practice critical thinking
- Take a deep breath before you punch someone
- Change your view point about problems
- Workout
5. Read Positive books, listen to positive music and podcasts
To stay positive, you must avoid things that amplify your negativity. One of the mistakes many people make is to read sad books, listen to sad songs, and negative podcasts when they are sad. These resources were created to help millions of people turn their lives around.
Unfortunately, they will not help you when you are sad or having an emotional breakdown. They will destroy your world instead. Negative music, movies, etc. all exacerbate your negativity, anger, and put you into a deep emotional struggle.
6. How to stay positive: Be optimistic
Last but not least is to be optimistic. Optimism in internal feeling and confidence that whatever you are up against will work out the way it was intended. Having faith in what you are doing will increase your stability and positivity.
If you are facing challenges, start looking at how it will work and believe that it will. As long as you have done your homework, you should get the results you intended. So, have peace of mind and stop looking at the negative side.