“If you want to kill a big dream, tell it to small-minded people” by Steve Harvey. How to avoid negative people and small-minded ones? Negative people will make it difficult for you to achieve success or reach the milestone you have been dreaming of. The only way you can move forward with little to no obstruction is to avoid negative people.
How do you avoid negative people? This article will walk you through ways you can use to avoid negative people.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Choose your friends carefully
Not everyone in your circle will support you or want you to succeed. Some of your friends are just sitting there hoping that you fail. Others do not have the mentality and tenacity to understanding what success is or how to achieve it. So, if you really want to be successful and achieve your dreams, you must choose your friends very carefully.
The truth is that you are the average of people you hang out with. We are directly affected by the people and in order to succeed, you must have friends who support you and give you advice that amplifies what you are already doing. You need friends who understand what it takes to grow and the benefits of working hard. It does not matter how many friends you have. It will be wise to have one friend who supports you than 100 false friends who pull you down.
2. Ways to avoid negative people: Use your time wisely
Your time is probably the greatest asset you have in life right now. When you have time, you can achieve anything in life. On the other hand, you cannot achieve your dreams or reach success when your time is up. In addition, the time we have is limited. Every second, minute, hour, or day you spend with the wrong people is a wasted time and cannot be recovered.
This is why you should use your time wisely. If you know people are negative, do not waste your time on them. For example, if your false friends want to party all weekend, tell them that you cannot go. Your time will be used wisely elsewhere. If you do not spend time with them, they will not affect you. Unless you are hooked on social media and react to everything they post like everyone else. Do not give them a chance to pull you down.
3. Know your goal and focus on it

Since people around us directly affect our thought, actions, and movements, it is important to know what we want in life and focus most of our attention on reaching it. For example, if you have a dream of becoming financially independent, you should focus most of your time on studying and managing your money instead of worrying about what your friends say.
If they tell you that you are living a very frugal and crazy life, tell them that it is your life and you can live it however you want. It is your life and you must do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. As long as your mind is fully locked on your dreams, you will not give much attention to what people around you say. You will be busy winning while your friends are busy gossiping.
4. Ways to avoid negative people: Keep yourself busy
People go crazy about little things and gossip because they don’t have anything to do. Busy people do not have extra time to waste on negativity from their friends. You can use this technique to avoid negative people. As long as you are busy with your project, negative people will not have a chance to influence you.
If you want to avoid negative people, learn how to stay busy all the time. You will be amazed by how much you will accomplish and the happiness you will have afterward.
5. Have a different attitude and stick to it
One of the best ways to avoid negative people is to have an attitude that cannot be broken. You must behave in ways that align with your goals and stick to this behavior. Negative people will try to break you in an effort to change you, but if you are really focused on what you want, you will not change. What matters to you should be the most priority. Losers will not have a chance on your time, money, and attention.
6. Do not give more attention to negativity
Negative people are the noise in the background. They will not have an effect on you or your dreams as long as you keep them a bay. If you let them into your life, however, they will turn it (your life) upside down. This is why you should never give a damn on what negative people think is right for you, what they want, or how they feel. Their feeling is their own not yours.
Your life, your problem. Your dreams, your problem. Assume that those people are not there and proceed with a mind free from obstructions, distractions, and dilemmas. You will achieve a ton of success this way.
7. Ways to avoid negative people: Be optimistic

Positivity is everything whether you want to avoid negative people or not. You must stay positive as much as possible. A positive mind can achieve anything. The opposite is also true. A negative mind cannot achieve anything productive.
This is why the best way to avoid negative people is to be positive. When people tell you that it is not possible, tell them that it is possible and you are going to it. Those who tell you that it was never done before, tell them that you are going to be the first person to do it.
Stay positive and believe in yourself. You will be amazed by how much you can achieve. Just be patient, believe in yourself, and keep working hard.
Related: If you want to think and act like a winner, this article is for you.
8. Cut ties with negative people
This could be the last but necessary step. If you have tried every step possible and failed to manage negative people, maybe, it is a time to get rid of them. Stop them for once and give them a red light. Stop them where they are and stop giving a dam of what they want, like, think, etc.
It is your life, and therefore, it must be lived the way you want. It is your problem, and therefore, none else should be concerned.
You may be better off having no friends than having a million suckers. Eliminate negative people and start over. It does not matter where or when you start. What matters is where and how you finish. So, negative people should not be in your life regardless of whether they are your family members, friends, or not. Your dreams matter than anything else. So, focus on your dreams and get rid of negative people.
More learning resources
- 7 habits of happy people: How to be happy?
- 5 habits that are preventing you from achieving your dreams
- 22-morning habits for a successful day
- 35 habits that will make you smarter: How to become smarter
- 10 bad habits you must stop to reach financial independence
- 16 Financial Habits you should start today