What is a zero-lot-line in real estate?


What is zero-lot-line?

A zero-lot-line property is a property that is built at the edge of a lot which leaves no room for a yard. This scenario can happen on one or more sides of the property. A good example of these kinds of properties is townhouse settlements where properties are built close to each other to maximize the use of the space.

A zero-lot-line can also occur in single-family homes or other forms of properties where the space is too small to accommodate the living space and a have yard on both sides of the property.

Benefits of zero-lot-line

A zero-lot-line can be beneficial to homeowners and property developers as it can help them maximize the space. For example, instead of sacrificing the usable space for a yard on both sides; a developer can build the house at the line of the lot and have a yard on the other side. This trick helps in maximizing the yard on the other side and hopefully increase the usable space on the property.

Having a tight space can also reduce the homeowner’s property tax. This is because the size of the land affects the value of a house and tax assessors consider it when estimating the property tax. The smaller the lot, the lesser the property tax.

Homeowners can also save money on building a fence and mowing the yard. This is because the house acts as a fence on the zero-lot-line side.

Disadvantages of zero-lot-line

A zero-lot-line has a lot of disadvantages which can include the following.

  • Lack of privacy: A zero-lot-line means that you are too close to your neighbor. This translates to little to no privacy for bother homeowners.
  • Can lead to conflicts: Not everyone likes to have their neighbors that close. If you built property close to others, it can lead to encroachments or difficult for you to repair because your neighbors might not tolerate too much noise.
  • There will be no yard for the property in question. When the space is limited, the living space becomes a priority. This means that the owners or developers will focus on maximizing the living space at the expense of exterior space. As a result, the property may not have a yard.

More learning resources

  1. Townhouse: What Is A Townhouse?
  2. Turn-Key: What Is The Meaning Of Turn-Key?
  3. 4 Ways To Make Money With A Rental Property
  4. Town-Homes Rentals
  5. Single-Family Rentals
  6. Single-Family Residence (SFR): What Is SFR?
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