6 ways to challenge your brain and stay active

Fund things to do when you're bored and broke

There are times when you will feel low and bored to a level where you want to just walk away due to the lack of challenges and motivation. This happens usually when you are in a position where you do the same thing over and over. As a result, your overall happiness diminishes and you could develop anxiety or depression in the worst-case scenario. In order to solve this problem, you will need to challenge your brain and stay active at the same time.

If you are looking for ways to challenge your mind, increase your overall happiness, and achieve more at the same time; this article was written for you.

How to challenge your brain and stay active?

In order to challenge your mind, you will need to engage in activities that force your brain to learn something new or simply push it(brian) outside of your comfort zone. By default, many people do not want to learn new things due to struggles with learning, fear of failure, laziness, etc. That is why you will see people doing the same thing over and over and complain that they are bored all the time. But, when you ask them to learn something new, they say, “no.”

Activities that challenge your mind will most likely push you outside of your comfort zone. These activities will force your brain to adapt to the new reality. As a result, you will stay active and probably increase your happiness level.

There are many activities you can get engaged with to challenge your brain. This article has the top 6 things you can do to challenge your mind and stay active at the same time.

1. Work on brain teaser puzzles, games, etc

One of the best things you can do to challenge your brain is to do brain teaser puzzles and games. These games and puzzles are designed to make you think outside of the box to solve them. As a result, your brain grows sharper and stronger. According to Prevagen, playing brain teaser games can help you improve your memory, work on both sides of your brain, and develop problem-solving skills.

For this reason, there is no better way to challenge your mind other than playing games and doing brain teaser puzzles. If you have never done these puzzles or games before, they may seem difficult at first. To make it easy for you, start with easy ones.

2. Socialize with others

If you want to challenge your brain and have some fun at the same time, start socializing with people. Socializing with others can boost your overall happiness and challenge your brain especially when you interact with people you don’t know or you have never seen before.

For example, when you meet people for the first time, you tend to wonder what their names are, where they come from, why they are there, and much more.

Once they tell you the names, you try to memorize those names to avoid awkward conversations later. You don’t want to walk to a person who just told you the name and ask them the name a few minutes later. With this social activity, you are challenging your brain to remember the name by all means. This keeps your brain active and functional at the same time.

As Dr. Sawchuk said in an article published on Mayo Clinic, “We are social animals by nature, so we tend to function better when we are in a community and being around others.” That is true. Dr. Sawchuk also said that those who spend more time alone, have a high risk of having low quality of life and developing depression.

You need to start spending time with others if you want to challenge your brain, stay active, and increase your happiness.

3. Start a new hobby

There are times when you do something for a while and realize that you are not learning anything new or making improvements in your life. If this is happening in your life right now, it is a time to start a new hobby or do something else on the side that will challenge your brain.

Starting a new hobby will force you to learn new things. As you learn the hobby, you are registering new rules, new terms, and new skills in your brain. This becomes a challenge for your brain and keeps it active and sharp all the time.

4. Read books

Many people hate reading books. People say that books are boring, and therefore, they cannot spend time reading them. What they don’t know is that books are the best tools you can use to learn anything in the world.

Books are the sources of knowledge of all kinds and the true source of personal development. They contain answers to human daily problems. Not only that you will learn new skills and increase happiness through reading books, but this activity will also challenge your brain and increase your chances of doing better.

According to Healthline, reading books can strengthen your brain, help you build vocabulary, prevent age-related cognitive decline, reduce stress, and help you live longer. All these benefits are the center of human performance and can help you stay active and generate happiness through continuous learning.

5. Change your job

Is your job boring and you feel like you no longer want to be there? If that is the case, I cannot blame you. Sometimes our jobs get boring especially when you have been doing the same job for a while or if you are working in a technical field where you repeat the same thing all the time.

Staying in this job can increase your level of stress and decrease your overall happiness both at work and at home. Happiness and satisfaction are created through solving complex problems and feeling like we are contributing. Even if you have been putting one brick on top of the other for 20 years, you won’t feel satisfied as long as your brain is not learning something new.

The only way to challenge your brain and stay active at the same time is to quit your job and find something else that engages your brain.

If you cannot afford to leave your job, start a side activity you can spend time on or get a challenging part-time job. It would be better to do something small than to do nothing at all.

6. Learn a new language

Finally, my favorite part of them all. Learning a new language. I know you probably hate learning new languages. Who has the time and energy to memorize vocabulary? I personally think that learning a new language goes beyond memorizing a lot of words.

Depending on the way you approach it, learning a new language can be fun. The best way to learn a new language is to interact with people who speak the language you want to learn. Talk to them, socialize with them, and ask them questions. At the same time, read some books in that language, learn the basics, and listen to music, podcasts, movies, etc., in the same language.

Some people take it to the next level and move to the country where the language they want to learn is the main language. This way they have no other option except to learn it.

Learning a new language will push you out of your comfort zone and force you to work harder until you succeed. This challenges your mind to do better every single day until you make meaningful progress.

In addition, it could be fun to learn a new language especially when you are interacting with people who appreciate you and are willing o help you every step of the way. At the end of the day, you will challenge your mind and get the social benefits you need. Hence, increasing your happiness and internal satisfaction.

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