Your life is in your hands and the decisions you make will directly affect your future. 2023 was a year like no other. So many people died, and others got depressed or ended up in more debt than before. Whatever you went through last year is a thing of the past. What is waiting for you is more important which is why must have important goals to achieve before the end of this year to stay on track.
With important goals, I am referring to goals that will help you get back on track or boost whatever you have started already. These goals should be powerful enough to keep you strong and motivated no matter what you will face before the end of the year and beyond.
The good news is that you are a capable human being and what you decide to do and achieve will become a reality.
Based on my own experience, I have put together a list of important goals that I believe you should achieve before the end of the year. These goals are so powerful that once achieved, nothing will stand in your way.
You will become invincible and tackle all difficulties with ease.
Without further due, the following are my top 5 goals you must achieve before the end of 2024.
1. Treat money like your workers, not friends you go to parties with and have expensive meals together

Many people think that they fully understand money. Yet, they struggle with it. There are millions of people who are in debt and the number is still growing.
Some people do not know how to increase their income. Others have no idea what do to with the money they make. People make no budgets and they are at peace only when their bank accounts are empty.
With spending temptations lurking everywhere, people spend extravagantly without thinking. Soon, they go broke and their only comfort zone becomes working nonstop.
What if you can make a change in your life and start looking at money differently?
Money does not have a brain and does not care what you use it for. You decide what do to with it. If you choose to use your money wisely, money will make you a lot more money. On the contrary, if you make wrong choices, money will leave you and you will die chasing it.
That is why you must change the way you treat money in 2024. How you decide to use money should be your top priority.
A great way to use money is to start treating money as your employee. This is because money is the greatest worker. Money can work for you 20/7 without a break or asking for a raise.
Tip: Start treating your money like a knight that goes to work for you and DIES for your cause.
Once this concept has sunk in your mind, you will not have trouble making more money.
You can save money in your jar or bank account. This is your first step to smart financial decisions but it is not enough. Money saved in your account or a jar is prone to inflation and will not yield you any returns.
That is why you should invest most of your money at all times. Every penny you have should be used to make you more money and those returns must also do the same.
With this great mindset, you will start building wealth and reach financial independence much faster.
One of your New Year resolutions for 2024 should be to start treating money like your workers instead of friends you party with and have expensive dinners together.
2. Work hard and smarter as your success will depend on it

All decisions you have made in the past have landed you where you are at the moment. If you are poor and struggling financially, it is because you made poor financial choices.
Are you alcoholic, gamble a lot, or have drug problems? It is because of decisions you made in the past. What you thought was a taste of a life you never had before turned into an addiction.
Whatever you are struggling with or want to achieve this year or beyond will require you to work much harder and smarter than you did before.
You must make tough choices and work as hard as possible if you are going to turn your life around.
Stop the TAKE IT EASY habits that most people believe in. Taking it easy, watching movies all day, or playing video games won’t bring success.
What will turn your life around is beyond what you have been doing.
Albert Einstein once said,” We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
If you need to become someone you have never been before, you must start working harder. Give up all distractions and keep your mind on only one thing that matters to you. Your dreams are far more important than everything you drag yourself into. Your financial freedom is waiting for you and you can achieve it if you want to.
In order to achieve all of that, you must work hard. You will sweat, change your mind many times, doubt yourself, or much worse. People will doubt you and think you are losing your mind, but still, you will survive. You will turn your life around and become victorious. You only need to keep your mind on the prize, keep working hard, and stay disciplined.
4. Do not let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do

For every great goal, plan, or dream you have, there will be two great important points. (1) the beginning and (2) the end.
(1) the beginning is when you decide to make a change in your life. This is a time you sit down and realize that you deserve better, and therefore, you must make a change. In order words, this is the time you make that first step toward greatness.
(2) The end is the point where you achieve your goals. The moment you put on that finishing touch and celebrate victory.
Although these two points are important, what happens between both of these two points is equally important if not greater.
Many people set up goals and work on them but never make it to the finish line. You probably heard that most businesses fail in the first few years, or most people make budgets but fail to follow them.
All these are true. The journey toward greatness is not an easy one. You will face distractions, false friends, hardship, and a lot of doubts.
You will wonder if you are doing the right thing or not. People will think you have lost your mind and no longer walk the right path. They will also tell you that what you are chasing is beyond your reach and impossible to achieve.
The only thing that will keep you moving forward is what you believe in. Only what keeps you up every night will save you. Your dreams are much bigger than your friends’ negativities.
Your life is in your hands and only what you choose to believe and do will happen. Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. You are the only one to make that decision and your potential is endless.
5. Stop setting up small goals and little dreams

The last goal you should consider for 2024 is to start dreaming big. Many people are afraid of dreaming big. So, they decide to set up goals that are easy to achieve and stay away from big ones.
Big dreams are intimidating and most people don’t want to face the challenge. They would rather work their entire lives rather than start a business. More importantly, they would rather live a miserable life, instead of making tough choices. In other words, they choose to stay in their comfort zone.
The downside of small dreams is that they are easy to achieve but you never learn or achieve anything new.
Without challenging yourself, it is impossible to make meaningful progress.
Big dreams challenge you and force you to think outside of the box. As a result, you start thinking creatively, find answers to complex problems, and stay disciplined when facing challenges.
Even if you don’t achieve all your big dreams, at least you would have made good progress which will be the foundation of other successes. Life and happiness are about solving complex problems, building memories, and providing answers.
So, start dreaming big, work hard, and never stop until you have achieved what you desire.