9 ways to increase motivation when facing challenges

9 ways to increase motivation

Have you been wondering how you can increase motivation? Motivation is probably the most important thing you will need especially during the first stages of your project. The problem with motivation is that it fades away over time. I define motivation as an energy drink. It helps well during the first few stages and fades away over time.

There are times when your motivation will completely run out which will trigger quitting thoughts. Yes, many people quit their projects and stop chasing their dreams after the motivation is gone. So, how can you increase motivation when you are facing rough times? How can you get back on your feet and face the challenge head-on?

This article was written to help you increase your motivation and hopefully achieve your success in a very short time. In this article, you are going to learn the top 9 ways to increase motivation. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Increase Motivation

1. Develop a positive mindset

A positive mindset is probably the most important thing you need to stay motivated. Motivation comes from the idea that you will find what you seek. Once you are convinced that you can achieve it, it does not take long to work on it. A positive mindset increases your confidence, and hence, your motivation.

2. Break bigger projects into smaller tasks

Big projects are always intimidating. Once you are intimidated, your confidence will diminish which could affect your motivation. What if you can turn a very complex project into an easy one? It is possible and the technique you can use is simple. Just divide big projects into smaller and easy to achieve projects. This will make the problem easy to overcome and increase your motivation.

3. Increase Motivation: Write down your goals

One of the best ways to increase motivation is to know exactly what you want and how you will achieve it. This gives you a chance to know exactly how well you are doing on a daily basis. Writing down your goals is a great way to get started. You must know what you want and put it on a calendar. Some goals will take a long time whereas others will take a short time.

A written goal is easy to achieve. Put the goals where you can see them every day. This will serve as a reminder to continue pushing forward, in case you forget.

4. Increase Motivation: Set up a deadline

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Just like writing down your goals, it is equally important to have a deadline. A project without a deadline lasts a lifetime. The problem with such projects is that you cannot have motivation for this long. Motivation fades away as time progresses. The only thing that keeps you up and running after your motivation is gone is your discipline.

In order to increase motivation, you must have a deadline for every project you work on. After breaking the project into smaller and easy to achieve tasks, you will then calculate how long each task will take to accomplish. Finally, you will calculate the overall time you need to finish your entire project. Put this time on your calendar and make it your deadline. When working on a project, you should always try to finish it before the deadline.

Having a deadline will keep you alert and motivates you to work harder.

5. Increase Motivation: Do not give in to what others say

During the duration of your journey, you will have all kinds of feedback from people around you. Some people will support you whereas others will pull you down.

The truth is that none understands your dreams as you do. You are the one who is dreaming it, and therefore, the only one who knows exactly what it will take to achieve it and how to get there. In order to keep your motivation up, surround yourself with people who support you. These people will give you positive encouragement, give you support when needed, and lift you up when you have fallen.

On the other hand, you will have negative people who will always deny you support, tell you every reason you cannot achieve your dreams, and tell you that you are crazy. These people will drag you in the mud and watch you fail. You should avoid them as they add no value to your success journey. It is possible that some people do not want you to succeed. Make sure that you know who your true friends are and weed out the bad ones. Make your success your priority and avoid everything else.

6. Have a reminder and track your progress

Increase Motivation
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

There are times when you will feel like you have undertaken an impossible project. You will doubt yourself and think about quitting. Losers do not lose because projects are hard. Instead, they lose because they lack confidence in what they are doing.

One way to increase your motivation and fight negativity is to know how you are doing. This is when the reminder and progress tracker comes in. You must know how you are doing every once in a while and a reminder of what needs to be done at a particular time.

There is nothing that will increase your confidence and motivation other than knowing that you are making a progress. Progress means that you are getting much closer to your destination. As you know, the close you get to your destination, the more excited and motivated you will become.

7. Develop a habit and stay focused

Developing a habit will help you stay on the right course. A habit to achieve the best in your life will keep you on the right track and increases your chances of succeeding. Know what you want and focus your attention on your target. These two factors will increase your motivation as you work hard toward your goals.

8. Increase Motivation: Take a break

Your journey will never be easy or straightforward. You will face challenges both from inside and outside. You will get tired and think about giving up. More importantly, your body is made of flesh and bones. They get tired once overworked. When you get to this level, the best thing you can do is not to keep going. Instead, take a break.

A break will help you focus your brain and think about your plan. Once you are well-rested, you can come back and face the challenge head-on. Your motivation will increase tremendously when your body is at its best. A break could be the only thing you need.

9. Celebrate small wins

Last but not least, celebrate small wins. Your effort should be rewarded no matter how small it is. Always celebrate small wins instead of saving them for later. These celebrations will be a reminder that the big thing is coming and you will be rewarded once you have achieved it. No win should go unnoticed.

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